Thursday, January 6, 2011

IR Blog Post 3-Constitution reading goes bipartisan

Constitution reading goes bipartisan

3 Facts:
1) The first time in chamber's history, the new congress reread the congress today.
2) Republicans proposed the reading but it turned into a bipartisanship.
3) Some women thought that Barack Obama wasn't born in America and it should be an issue...

2 Questions:
1) It's a good thing that it went bipartisan right?
2) Why did the women think that Obama was not born in America?

1 Opinion:
I feel like a new start and new beginning is really happening and that we are seriously becoming more modern. Although there will be constant problems coming up but I feel like the congress is really trying to make the country better and to improve.

1) apportionment: action of apportioning.

1 comment:

  1. This is something nice to hear. The new House Speaker John Boehner (R), tried to open up to the Dems so he could achieve some progress in the future. Reading together shows unity and seems like a good move. Hopefully the Good Ol' Party will accomplish a lot with Boehner in charge.
