Friday, December 17, 2010

IR Blog Post3-Barack Obama makes the sale


3 Facts:
1. Most representatives at the House are Democrats.
2. The past two weeks have been an exercise in salesmanship and compromise at the White House.
3. There's at least the possibility that Obama will achieve two other victories with the cooperation of the GOP.

2 Questions:
1. I wonder how large the stress could be for Obama.
2. Does Obama have a specific plan with what he's doing or is he listening to what the people want him to do?

1 Opinion:
I had trouble reading this article because I'm not good with politics.. But I think I can only imagine how great the stress would be for Obama right now.

capitulation: the document containing the terms of a surrender.
befall: to happen or occur

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting. I knew a little bit about Obama and the recent November elections from the news and my current issues class.
