Jay Gatsby would say that it is best to find one important motivation in your life to lead and guide the path. He probably believes that the world will always be full of chances and that when you find the right way, it will all be ok and lead to the final goal. On the other hand, the Narrator from the Invisible Man will first warn people about letting others guide your way. I agree that this method is not the right way to structure your life and I think the Narrator experienced it first handed. The two contrasting characters have opposing thoughts because of the way they were brought up. However they also have similar views because they both experiences hardships in their lives in their childhood. Ultimately, they learn what is best for them, and they strive to find their true identity by methods that they found out through personal experience.
I agree with both. I think these are very insightful and are relevant to the lessons learned from each of these characters during their books. I think they would both have good advise from these lessons and their stories would greatly impact the world.