Thursday, January 6, 2011

IR Blog Post 3-Smells Like 2010

Smells Like 2010

3 Facts
1) December sales in fragrances can make or break their entire year.
2) Fragrance has pretty much been in decline, except for a few years with celebrity fragrances since 2001.
3) Every single year since 2000, there have been more fragrances put out into the world than in the two decades from 1970 to 1989.

2 Questions
1) Why do celebrities create their own fragrance? Is it like their choice to do so?
2) What will be the final first place winner of the fragrance of the year?

I personally love fragrances and I like to collect them as a hobby. My personal favorite is the Daisy by Marc Jacob.

1) quintessential-being the most typical
2) behemoth-something enormous in size


  1. I think that celebrities create their own fragrances for branding and making more money for themselves. I think this makes them a
    lot of money because this is a valuable venture.

  2. I never realized that fragrances were such an important part of sales, but it makes sense because most department stores have an entire section specifically for them. Also, I believe that celebrities make fragrances to spread their name or brand, or to bring in more money.
